The Wizard Police is a group of magical police officers who uphold the law within Wizard City. They are first seen in "Wizards Only, Fools" where they transform a man pretending to be a wizard into a stick as punishment. They then break into Ron James' shop when he calls them to say that Finn, Jake and Princess Bubblegum are fake wizards. Later, they break into the secret meeting and almost kill Bufo, Laser Wizard, and Forest Wizard before they escape, but succeed in taking Finn and the others to the Grand Master Wizard where he convicts them to be detained in Wizard Prison. They take Finn, Jake, PB, and Abracadaniel there, where there are other Wizard Police officers serving as prison guards, who try to stop a prison fight between PB and Abracadaniel, but end up being frozen by the cold spell.
The Wizard Police are tall, fairly muscular wizards with bandanas around their eye, which they can use to fire lasers. Their skin comes in varying shades of blue, gold, and green.
Members of the Wizard Police can seemingly transform any criminal into an object of their choice, such as a stick in "Wizards Only, Fools". They do this by removing their bandana and emitting a blast of energy out of their singular eye. It is shown in "Finn & Jake investigations" that this transformation is reversible, though this is a non-canon source, so it is unknown if this aspect of their ability can be applied to the main series.
The Wizard Police can also fire blasts from their hands, though it is unknown if this blast is lethal like the one from their eyes, or if it is merely for making arrests.