Adventure Time Wiki
Adventure Time Wiki
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Season 1[]

A fly landed on my pie! That's no good. Bye-bye.

—"Tree Trunks"

Flies wanted it, they can have it.

—"Tree Trunks"

Well, I have the perfect thing for him or her... stickers!

—"Tree Trunks"

(to a Sign Zombie) And here's your sandwich!

—"Tree Trunks"

(to a Sign Zombie) Oops, you dropped it.

—"Tree Trunks"

That tea party was crummier than a big ol' biscuit.

—"Tree Trunks"

But Finn said I was a top-notch adventurer, and my adventurer's instincts are telling me to seduce that tentacled critter with my womanly charms and elephant prowess.

—"Tree Trunks"

Even Brain Beasts get lonely, Finn.

—"Tree Trunks"

Jake, I think Finn's getting jacked up again.

—"Tree Trunks"

Season 2[]

(As Quartzion) Finn, it's not sexy for a king to call his queen "bananas!"

—"Crystals Have Power"

(As Quartzion) Marry me, Finn! We can snuggle through time and space, and kiss each other in an alternate dimensional plane.

—"Crystals Have Power"

Whoa there, don't put your junk on my trunk!

—"Crystals Have Power"

When we get home, it's apple pie time.

—"Crystals Have Power"

Season 3[]

Where's my dang apples?

—"Apple Thief"

I'm gonna sass those boys up NASTY.

—"Apple Thief"

Season 5[]

That you've been snoozing on my dome. I just woke up in this room with these fellas: Nectar, Ice Cream, and one of the Lemoncarbs.

—"Mystery Dungeon"

Yes, I'm getting a weird feeling in my stomach and I think it's 'cause of you, Mr. Wizard, you better fess up to what you are doing. I got no time for no body dancing around and acting the fool at my expense. I'm Tree Trunks and people know I'm kind, and honest, that's why people like me. [...] So stop sellin' fib-bibs and give it straight.

—"Mystery Dungeon"
