The Thought Cannon Wand is a giant wand that Finn and Jake stole from a wizard after beating him. After stealing it, they planned to dig a hole in front of the tree fort and bury it as they think it's dangerous. When Jake tries to operate the wand, he fails in trying to think of a deeper hole to bury the thought cannon and thinks of a sandwich instead.
In the future, the buried Thought Cannon Wand is found by Cuber, and he tries to use it to escape Space Wedding People. He too makes a mistake and a giant sandwich pushes him out of the hole, flinging him far away.
The Thought Cannon Wand is a giant stick with a yellow star-shaped object at one end. It supposedly has the ability to create anything the user can imagine. However, Jake and Cuber both think of a sandwich, and create a small sandwich and a gigantic sandwich, respectively.
The Thought Cannon Wand as seen in the episode "Graybles 1000+"
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