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This article is about the deer introduced in "No One Can Hear You." You may be looking for deer as a species.

The Stag (also known as the Deer) is a character introduced in "No One Can Hear You".

The Stag rampages through the Candy Kingdom, licking its residents as it goes. Finn and Jake soon arrive to stop it, but are beaten. Jake sustains a serious head injury, causing him to go insane (until Finn bashes his head against a wall a few times). The Stag breaks both of Finn's legs twice, and then throws him into a pole, sending Finn into a coma. The Stag's saliva is orange, and it appears to have an adhesive property, which he uses to capture Candy People, drag them into the sewers, and then stick them to the walls in a drainage room because he "wanted their sugar." His two front hooves are actually gloves which conceal two human-like hands with opposable thumbs. He also has the ability to walk upright, which he uses while fighting Finn and Jake.

Finn and Jake eventually come to rescue the citizens in the sewer where they confront him. The Stag is knocked unconscious by two falling cinder blocks that were attached to Jake's feet, and then he is pushed into a whirlpool. Assuming that the Stag has similar properties to real-life deer, he is a male, due to his antlers.

It was later seen in "Sons of Mars" where Magic Man transformed it into a telescope to look at a comet coming towards him, which turned out to be Grob Gob Glob Grod.

The Stag was much later returned to his original form after the de-elementization of Ooo in "Skyhooks II".

Quick Answers

What role does the Stag play in the 'No One Can Hear You' episode of Adventure Time? toggle section
The Stag, referred to as the Freak Deer, is a central character in the 'No One Can Hear You' episode of Adventure Time. It causes chaos in the Candy Kingdom, using its adhesive saliva to capture Candy People. Finn and Jake attempt to intervene but are overpowered, with Jake suffering a severe head injury and Finn being thrown into a pole after his legs are broken twice, resulting in a coma.
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How does the Stag's rampage through the Candy Kingdom affect Finn and Jake? toggle section
During the Stag's rampage in the Candy Kingdom, Finn and Jake suffer significant injuries. Jake experiences temporary insanity due to a head injury, while Finn's legs are broken twice and he's thrown into a coma after being hurled into a pole by the Stag. The Stag also uses its adhesive orange saliva to ensnare the Candy People.
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What is unique about the Stag's saliva in Adventure Time? toggle section
In Adventure Time, the Stag, often called the 'freak deer', has distinctive orange, adhesive saliva. It uses this to ensnare Candy People, transporting them into sewers and adhering them to drainage room walls. The Stag also possesses the ability to walk upright and has human-like hands hidden under gloves on its front hooves.
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What injuries does Finn sustain during his encounter with the Stag? toggle section
Finn endures multiple injuries in his encounter with the Stag. He is hurled across a field into a stone, resulting in bruises. The Stag's monstrous hands then force him into the ground, incapacitating him. Despite these injuries, Finn continues to pursue the Stag. In a later dialogue with Jake, Finn reveals that the Stag also broke his legs.
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What is the significance of the Stag's hands in the Adventure Time deer episode? toggle section
The Stag in the Adventure Time deer episode unveils fingers beneath its hooves, a surprising and eerie feature that contributes to its 'freak deer' label. The Stag employs these hands to abduct the Candy People, including characters like Peppermint Butler and Finn, whom it adheres back onto a wall.
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Major appearances[]

Minor appearances[]


  • Andy Ristaino considers him to be the show's creepiest character.[1]
  • Jake calls the stag "freak deer."
  • When the stag licks candy people, his saliva is orange.
  • The Stag makes a cameo in "Belly of the Beast" on the title card.
  • According to the DVD Commentary for "No One Can Hear You," the stag in "Sons of Mars" is the same one from that episode, though he could still turn back from Magic Man's transformation spell.
  • He is an enemy in Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW!.
  • Stag could possibly be based on a cryptid called the not-deer.


Official art[]


