Lemon People (also known as Lemon Children) are a species of beings created by the Earls of Lemongrab, excluding the Earls themselves who were created by Princess Bubblegum. Four of the children that the Lemongrabs referred to by name are Lemonjon, Seed-Wad, Plop-Top, and Lemonhope. In "Too Old," a Lemon person seated next to Finn at dinner had a place card that read "DUKE SUCK-LEMON."
When Princess Bubblegum accidentally left behind the secret formula for creating candy life, the two Lemongrabs mistakenly believed that Princess Bubblegum wanted them to make all of their food into "More family." In the process of bringing to life a large group of strange-looking lemon people, the Earls nearly starved to death along with their new children due to using up all of their food.
In "Too Old" the non-royal lemon people were all forced to wear shock collars, most likely put on them by the Earl of Lemongrab since he had the shock controller. Badlemonnohope was later freed by Lemongrab 2 and subsequently assisted by Princess Bubblegum, Finn, and the rest of the Lemon People by piling up so he could jump over the front wall.
In "Lemonhope Part 1" and "Lemonhope Part 2" the Earl transformed the earldom into a totalitarian city-state; putting up watch towers and barbed wire to ensure no escape. The Lemon People were treated horribly and were punished if they tried to escape. When Lemonhope returned to the earldom, he played his harp and the music blew up the Earl. The people were freed, and Princesses Bubblegum stitched up the remaining pieces of the two earls and created Lemongrab 3.
In "The Mountain," it was revealed that under the rule of the third Lemongrab, the Lemon People lived and worked in harmony.
The Lemon People have varied appearances, resembling animals, plants, and fungi more than humanoids. They are mostly yellow and resemble lemons in some way while others are green and likely are supposed to be limes. Most of them are chubby and all of the Lemon People seen thus far have been male, with the exception of their gender-swapped continuity counterparts.
Notable Lemon People[]
- Earl of Lemongrab/Lemongrab 1
- Lemongrab 2
- Lemongrab 3/Lemonpink (Lemongrabs 1 and 2 combined)
- Lemonhope
- Lemonjon
- Lemon Head
- Seed-Wad (Lemon/Candy Person)
- Plop-Top/Dump-Dome
- Duke Suck-Lemon
- Female Lemon Children (alternate universe)
- Lady Lemongrabs (alternate universe)
Although considerably less talkative than the denizens of the Candy Kingdom, many, if not most, lemon people are capable of limited speech. This is most evident when a group of lemon people are forced to stop Lemonhope from escaping, they say apologies to Finn and Jake. However, it is possible that some lemon people who are less humanoid may lack the ability to speak or communicate in common language. The Lemon People are loyal to their Earls and support their ideas. In "Too Old," they apparently have the ability to feed themselves without assistance from their parents and are also given jobs and uniforms, such as driving a carriage, announcing guests, or ringing the bell for dinner. There is one other Lemon Person who doesn't seem to conform to the general lemonistic ways besides Lemonjon: Lemonhope. Lemonhope acts like what most humans would consider normal, not lemony at all, and is said to be very gifted.
The Lemongrabs[]
Lemongrab and Lemongrab 2 love their people, often referring to them as their "family" and "children." They do not want their children to worry about them while they are away, so they make a point to alert them of their departure. They seem very affectionate with them, and they seem to return it. The Lemongrabs see themselves as the fathers of this entire species.