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Alternate Reality Without the Lich
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So, in Fin The Human episode Fin wishes that the Lich never existed. In the farmworld reality a/the bomb from the mushroom war was prevented from detonating by Simon.
This means that the Lich by his existence or direct intervention had at some point prevented Simon P. from freezing the bomb which created Ooo. Therefore the Lich, by existing, 'saved' Simon and allowed the bomb to land or explode. This is all assuming that Farmoworld would have been identical to the original Ooo reality if it had not been for Fin's wish. If Farmworld was not identical pre-Lich, then the episode is kinda bunk. The following are possible Lich scenarios:
A: Lich was human at the time of saving Simon.
B: Lich was Lich through some other medium of radiation and saved Simon as the Lich. (evidence in Marceline)
C: Lich/Human Lich somehow affected where the bomb landed or its delivery so that Simon was unable to save pre-Ooo 1000 years or so prior to wish.
D: Other.
Who said a college degree was useless.
I think the point was that Simon's decision of whether or not to intervene in the bomb's detonation was what brought about the existence of the Lich. Prismo caused Simon to save the earth in this alternate universe so that the Lich wouldn't exist (thus fulfilling Finn's wish). The lich actually had nothing to do with the Mushroom war as he/it was created as a result of its ending. In the main universe, by not intervening, Ice King is directly responsible for the post-apocalyptic state of the Land of Ooo. The main thing I found confusing about the episode was the fact that the Lich was created anyway when Finn, under the influence of the Ice Crown, caused the "Mushroom Bomb" to detonate. The wish didn't stop the bomb from going off, it just delayed it and caused the Farmworld Jake to die and be posessed by the Lich.
Whoswho 23 (talk) 03:13, November 19, 2012 (UTC)
If you look at the exact wording of what Finn wished, Prismo did fufill it completely but with a nasty monkey's paw like twist. Finn wished that the Lich had never existed and Prismo changed the universe so that this was made true. If you look at the present day of the wish altered universe the Lich has never come into existence. Finn's wish was past tense. In other words he wished that the Lich never was created. He did not however wish that some Lich like creature could not be born into the universe at a future date. It would be a bit like wishing your house never burned down. The wish is granted and the events leading to your house burning down are changed. Thus after making the wish you find your house still standing there in all its former glory. You go about living happily in your home for months until one day you forget to turn the stove off and it then burns down anyway due to your actions. Your wish was granted just as you asked that it would be. It did not however dictate what could happen in the future. Perhaps a better wish would have been to wish that your house was not and could not ever be burned down. Finn's wish is the same.Melting Sky (talk) 04:17, November 20, 2012 (UTC)