The dimension disruptor is a high-tech device that broadcasts waves capable of disrupting parallel dimensions. In "Nemesis," Kenneth introduces it in a secret meeting of the Veritas Brigade. To activate the machine, Kenneth pushes the button twice, turns the dial clockwise, and rubs the pickle, which frees Peppermint Butler from Peace Master's dark wizard gobbler later in the episode.
The handheld gadget is light blue and rectangular with three beveled edges. A pink wire curls out of the top opposite a stout gray antenna. Taped to the front is a pickle beside a purple dial and a small red button. When the device is activated, the wire glows, and cyan waves pulse out of the antenna.
Bed cars ā¢
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Magic Fertilizer ā¢
Magic Key ā¢
Marceline's puppets ā¢
Mystic Soup ā¢
Potato-head curse antidote ā¢
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USB drive
Season 10
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The Cake ā¢
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Der Witz Und Seine Beziehung Zum Unter Bewussten ā¢
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Finn's Vault ā¢
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Gumbald's baseball caps ā¢
Gumbald's goblets ā¢
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La Femme du la Mer ā¢
Love Bazooka ā¢
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Megaphone ā¢
Memory drive rocket ā¢
Mr. Cream Puff's car ā¢
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The Panzark ā¢
Peanut ā¢
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Techno-harpoon ā¢
Warren Ampersand's rocket