The cup doll looks like a cup with an unknown liquid inside, except it is all orange. There is a smiley face on the cup, and it has two arms and two legs as well.
Bed cars â˘
Big Baby Root Beer â˘
BMO's Official Strategy Guide to Snake Eater â˘
Boats in the Clouds â˘
Bucket of Caramel â˘
Candy Bar Card Game â˘
Captain Tasty's Placemat â˘
Cold Fart â˘
FĂźt StĂźff â˘
Lemonpink's carriage â˘
Magic Fertilizer â˘
Magic Key â˘
Marceline's puppets â˘
Mystic Soup â˘
Potato-head curse antidote â˘
Propeller beanie â˘
Skyhooks â˘
USB drive
Season 10
Birthday Boyfighter â˘
BMO and Ice King's valise â˘
Breakfast Porridge â˘
The Cake â˘
Danny's boat â˘
Der Witz Und Seine Beziehung Zum Unter Bewussten â˘
Device for the Dissolution of Invisible Shields â˘
Dum Dum Juice â˘
Elk's Heart â˘
Finn's Vault â˘
Green Knight's Axe â˘
Gumbald's baseball caps â˘
Gumbald's goblets â˘
Gunter's puppets â˘
Invisible Shield â˘
La Femme du la Mer â˘
Love Bazooka â˘
Mechanical horse â˘
Megaphone â˘
Memory drive rocket â˘
Mr. Cream Puff's car â˘
Night Sword â˘
The Panzark â˘
Peanut â˘
Personal hover-platform â˘
Power-siphoning belts â˘
Princess Bubblegum's laser weapon â˘
Sledgehammers â˘
Techno-harpoon â˘
Warren Ampersand's rocket