This article is a transcript of the Adventure Time episode "Bun Bun" from season 8, which aired on May 5, 2016.
Cinnamon Bun
Bun Bun
Flame King
Flame Princess
Princess Bubblegum
Banana Guards
Flame People
Jake 2
Cinnamon Bun
Bun Bun
Flame King
Flame Princess
Princess Bubblegum
Banana Guards
Flame People
Jake 2
Beat Box Free Style Rap
Beat Box Free Style Rap
This transcript is incomplete.
- -: Both:Hey, Cinnamon Bun.
- -: Hi. I'm hereon diplomatic business.
- -: Yeah, the princessis expecting you.
- [ Keys jingling ]
- -: Cinnamon Bun, welcome!
- -: On behalfof the Fire Kingdom,
- -: here's the get‐well cardfor Hot Dog Princess.
- -: Please pass it alongto the next princess
- -: after you've signed.
- -: Understood.
- -: Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!I'm here!
- -: Hey, Finn!
- -: What's up,my main cinna‐man!
- [ Scribbling ]
- -: Please deliver this cardto the Slime Kingdom.
- -: Will do, PB.
- -: CB, keep upthat smile.
- -: Yo, yo, yo, yo,yo, yo, yo, yo!
- -: Sit down, CB.Let's catch up.
- -: Uh...
- -: I guess I can chatfor a few seconds.
- -: It seems like livingin the Fire Kingdom
- -: is doing youa lot of good.
- -: Oh, I like it there a lot.
- -: I have an important job.I have a wolf.
- -: There's no other candy people,so that's weird.
- -: Hmm.
- -: Well, it was nicecatching up.
- -: Okay. Bye.
- -: Oh, CB!You forgot your keys!
- -: Hey, lookwho we have here!
- -: Hey, guys.
- -: Chet, you still makethose awesome nachos?
- -: You know it.
- -: Crunchy, still chewingthat same piece of gum?
- -: Yep!
- -: You still acting likea big goofball all the time?
- -: Ha! I was a different guyback then.
- -: Heh...Very different.
- -: Everyone watch!I'm gonna do a flip!
- [ Grunts ]
- -: Whoa‐oh‐oh!
- -: Oh! Oh, no!
- [ Laughter ]
- -: But now life is great.
- [ Chuckles ]
- [ Thinking ]
- -: It can't be easy for him,
- -: living alone somewhereso different than home.
- -: Princess?
- -: Where are you?
- -: Oh, hold on.Almost done.
- -: I want to show youmy newest creation.
- -: I call her Bun Bun.
- -: Hi! I'm Bun Bun!
- -: Hey!
- -: Is she likea little Cinnamon Bun clone?
- -: I grew herfrom old CB experiments,
- -: so...maybe more likea third cousin?
- -: Your mission is to take Bun Bunto the Fire Kingdom.
- -: Yay!
- -: I made youa new fire suit.
- -: Bun Bundoesn't need one
- -: since I engineered herto be fireproof.
- -: So, how does it feelto be alive?
- -: Um, it feels good,I think.
- -: What's the oppositeof good?
- -: Bad. That's funnythat you don't know that word
- -: but you knowthe word "opposite."
- [ Giggles ]
- [ Stomach growls ]
- -: What was that?Hm. I must be hungry.
- -: Hun‐gry?
- -: Trail mixwill fix this grumbling.
- [ Munching ]
- -: Here.
- -: Have some.
- -: Like this?
- [ Laughs ]
- -: You're funny, Bun Bun.
- -: Huh?
- -: Bun Bun, chipmunksare eating your trail mix.
- -: What are chipmunks?!
- [ Chipmunks squeak ]
- -: Look!I made friends!
- [ Laughs ]
Bun Bun, you're all right.
- [ Giggles ]
- -: I'm all right!
- -: Hey, Finn.
- -: Make wayfor the princess!
- -: Finn?What brings you here?
- -: Special deliveryfor Cinnamon Bun.
- -: Who's this?
- -: I'm Bun Bun.Are you a chipmunk?
- -: No.
- -: Bubblegum made herfrom your spare parts.
- -: She's supposed to be your squireor whatever.
- -: My...squire?
- -: Hmm.
- -: Bun Bun,we'll have to run you
- -: throughsome security checks.
- -: Okee!Turn around.
- -: Jump back.
- -: Jump forward.
- -: Reach for the sky.
- -: Reach!
- -: She's clean.
- -: Go have funwith your new friend, CB.
- -: Come, squire!
- -: I'll show youour beautiful palace.
- -: All right, then.See ya.
- -: Finn, wait. You don't have tojust run off like that.
- -: We can hang outif you've got time.
- -: Really?
- -: I havea light schedule today.
- -: Hi! I'm Bun Bun!
{{L|-|Hiya! I'm Bun Bun!}
- -: This is the statueof the third Flame king.
- -: Ooh, but that statueover there is bigger!
- -: Yah! Yah! Yah!
- [ Statue creaking ]
- -: Careful, Bun Bun!
- [ Giggles ]
- [ Flame people laugh ]
Bun Bun!
- [ Rip! ]
- -: Look!I'm king of the fireplace!
- [ Flame people laugh ]
- -: Behave yourself,Bun Bun!
- -: Okay! I'm‐a run this way now!I love you!
- -: Um...She's new.
- -: Is something wrongwith your coals?
- -: No, they're fine.
- -: It's just...
- [ Inhales deeply ]
- -: When we broke up,I said sorry,
- -: but I didn't fully understandexactly what I did wrong.
- -: I get it now.
- -: I shouldn'thave manipulated you.
- -: That was a really, relly messed‐up thing to do,
- -: and I'm truly sorry.
- -: You've grown up a lot,man.
- -: I forgive you.
- -: Awesome.
- [ Clinks ]
- [ Chuckles ]
- -: Bun Bun.Bun...Bun Bun.
- -: Ooh,what's in there?
- -: That's where we keepthe evil former king.
- -: Yeah, we're not supposedto go in.
- -: Bun Bun!
- -: Hi, fire man.You look sad.
- -: I don't get sad.I'm evil!
- -: I'm just boredof this intense loneliness.
- -: You want some mush?
- -: Um...
- -: Who are you?
- -: Bun Bun.Do you like dogs?
- -: Sure, I like dogs.
- -: Not those stupid tiny ones,though.
- -: I like them medium‐sized.
- -: Oh! I like dogs!We're friends!
- -: But I just met you.}
- -: First I'll need to knowexactly how evil you are.
- -: I'm 100% evil.
- -: What's evil?
- -: Now, what you're doingis really good.
- -: Trying to make friendswith the old king and all.
- -: But there's onevery, very important thing
- -: that youneed to promise me.
- -: Yes.
- -: You see that buttonover there?
- -: Whatever you do ‐‐
- -: Button!
- [ Alarm rings ]
- -: Well done, Bun Bun!
- -: Now to the hillsto regroup my forces!
- -: Ha ha!I'm free!
- -: Oh, my Glob.
- -: Free!Free is good, right?
- -: No, this is bad!We have to catch him.
- -: Catch!
- -: ♪♪
- -: Oh!The Ice King!
- -: Shelby.
- -: Princess Bubblegum!
- [ Both laugh ]
- -: Okay.Who am I?
- -: Pbht!
- [ Chuckles ]
I practiced that one.
- -: So, what elseyou been up to?
- -: I startedfreestyle rapping.
- -: What?!
- -: Everyone says I'm good,but I can't tell
- -: if they're just flattering me'cause I'm king.
- -: Right.
- [ Beatboxing ]
- -: Fire man!Fire man!
{{L|-|Shh!This is serious!}
- -: Want to see me do a flip?
- [ Inhales deeply ]
- -: Wow.
- -: Ohh‐aaaah!
- [ Grunting ]
- -: Bun Bun!
- -: Whoa‐oh‐oh‐oh‐oh‐oh‐oh!
- [ Both yell ]
- -: Flame King: On to plottingour diabolical scheme.
- -: Bun Bun,I hear the Flame King!
- [ Giggles ]
- [ Grunts ]
- [ Sighs ]
- -: So, wearing your fire costumes,you'll pose
- -: as a basket of orphansleft on the castle doorstep.
- -: They'll take you in.
- -: And when they bring youto the king,
- -: you bust out the water gunsand seize control!
- -: Any questions?
- -: Are these your kids?
- -: They're my army.
- -: Your plan's not gonna work.
- [ Sighs ]
- -: I know.I'm rusty at this war stuff.
- -: You should dochipmunk stuff.
- -: Is that what I am now?The chipmunk king?!
- -: Uh...I don't know.
- [ Sighs ]
- -: Perhaps you're right.
- -: I have no allies leftin the Fire Kingdom.
- -: And even if I did manageto steal it back,
- -: I'd probably have to redecoratethe whole castle.
- -: Maybe I could stay hereand rule.
- -: Figurehead‐style.
- -: And I'll bethe royal dog petter!
- -: Would you really stay herewith me
- -: and my kingdomof adorable vermin?
- -: Okay.
- -: You're all right, Bun Bun.
- -: All hailthe chipmunk king!
- -: All:All hail the chipmunk king!
- -: All hail the chipmunk king!
- [ Thinking ]
- -: Bun Bun,you're gonna do great here.
- -: 'Cause you're brilliant.
- -: Thanks for helping me out.
- [ Beatboxing ]
- -: ♪ Finn the human,he wears a bear hat ♪
- -: ♪ Somedayhe'll be old and fat ♪
- -: ♪ Unless he is immortalor a turtle ♪
- -: ♪ 'Cause turtlesalways look old ♪
- -: ‐Ohh!‐Ohh!
- -: ♪ Turtles got toldby me, Phoebe ♪
- -: ♪ Pure gold ♪
- [ Cheers and applause,door opens ]
- -: ♪ Guess who's back,it's Cinnamon Bun ♪
- -: ♪ Bun Bun told mehow to have fun again ♪
- -: ♪ Also, she let outthe old king ♪
- -: Both: What?!
- -: It's okay.He's a in a chipmunk cave.
- -: It's nice.
- -: See?
- -: Aww.Did Bun Bun draw that?
- -: No.
- [ Sighs ]
- -: We can't just let himrun around though, right?
- -: How do we know he won't moidleall those chipmunks?
- -: No, he always didlike animals.
- -: I wonderif a new environment
- -: might help bring outthat softer side of him.
- -: Being stuck in a lampsure won't do it.
- -: Let's leave him be.
- -: Bun Bun: "Dear Cinnamon Bun,I have a dog now.
- -: His name is Cinnamon Bun.
- -: Love, Bun Bun."