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This article is a transcript of the Adventure Time episode "Bun Bun" from season 8, which aired on May 5, 2016.

This transcript is incomplete.


-: Both:Hey, Cinnamon Bun.
-: Hi. I'm hereon diplomatic business.
-: Yeah, the princessis expecting you.
[ Keys jingling ]
-: Cinnamon Bun, welcome!
-: On behalfof the Fire Kingdom,
-: here's the get‐well cardfor Hot Dog Princess.
-: Please pass it alongto the next princess
-: after you've signed.
-: Understood.
-: Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!I'm here!
-: Hey, Finn!
-: What's up,my main cinna‐man!
[ Scribbling ]
-: Please deliver this cardto the Slime Kingdom.
-: Will do, PB.
-: CB, keep upthat smile.
-: Yo, yo, yo, yo,yo, yo, yo, yo!
-: Sit down, CB.Let's catch up.
-: Uh...
-: I guess I can chatfor a few seconds.
-: It seems like livingin the Fire Kingdom
-: is doing youa lot of good.
-: Oh, I like it there a lot.
-: I have an important job.I have a wolf.
-: There's no other candy people,so that's weird.
-: Hmm.
-: Well, it was nicecatching up.
-: Okay. Bye.
-: Oh, CB!You forgot your keys!
-: Hey, lookwho we have here!
-: Hey, guys.
-: Chet, you still makethose awesome nachos?
-: You know it.
-: Crunchy, still chewingthat same piece of gum?
-: Yep!
-: You still acting likea big goofball all the time?
-: Ha! I was a different guyback then.
-: Heh...Very different.
-: Everyone watch!I'm gonna do a flip!
[ Grunts ]
-: Whoa‐oh‐oh!
-: Oh! Oh, no!
[ Laughter ]


-: But now life is great.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Thinking ]
-: It can't be easy for him,
-: living alone somewhereso different than home.
-: Princess?
-: Where are you?
-: Oh, hold on.Almost done.
-: I want to show youmy newest creation.
-: I call her Bun Bun.
-: Hi! I'm Bun Bun!
-: Hey!
-: Is she likea little Cinnamon Bun clone?
-: I grew herfrom old CB experiments,
-: so...maybe more likea third cousin?
-: Your mission is to take Bun Bunto the Fire Kingdom.
-: Yay!
-: I made youa new fire suit.
-: Bun Bundoesn't need one
-: since I engineered herto be fireproof.
-: So, how does it feelto be alive?
-: Um, it feels good,I think.
-: What's the oppositeof good?
-: Bad. That's funnythat you don't know that word
-: but you knowthe word "opposite."
[ Giggles ]
[ Stomach growls ]
-: What was that?Hm. I must be hungry.
-: Hun‐gry?
-: Trail mixwill fix this grumbling.
[ Munching ]
-: Here.
-: Have some.
-: Like this?
[ Laughs ]
-: You're funny, Bun Bun.
-: Huh?
-: Bun Bun, chipmunksare eating your trail mix.
-: What are chipmunks?!
[ Chipmunks squeak ]
-: Look!I made friends!
[ Laughs ]

Bun Bun, you're all right.

[ Giggles ]
-: I'm all right!
-: Hey, Finn.
-: Make wayfor the princess!
-: Finn?What brings you here?
-: Special deliveryfor Cinnamon Bun.
-: Who's this?
-: I'm Bun Bun.Are you a chipmunk?
-: No.
-: Bubblegum made herfrom your spare parts.
-: She's supposed to be your squireor whatever.
-: My...squire?
-: Hmm.
-: Bun Bun,we'll have to run you
-: throughsome security checks.
-: Okee!Turn around.
-: Jump back.
-: Jump forward.
-: Reach for the sky.
-: Reach!
-: She's clean.
-: Go have funwith your new friend, CB.
-: Come, squire!
-: I'll show youour beautiful palace.
-: All right, then.See ya.
-: Finn, wait. You don't have tojust run off like that.
-: We can hang outif you've got time.
-: Really?
-: I havea light schedule today.
-: Hi! I'm Bun Bun!

{{L|-|Hiya! I'm Bun Bun!}

-: This is the statueof the third Flame king.
-: Ooh, but that statueover there is bigger!
-: Yah! Yah! Yah!
[ Statue creaking ]
-: Careful, Bun Bun!
[ Giggles ]
[ Flame people laugh ]

Bun Bun!

[ Rip! ]
-: Look!I'm king of the fireplace!
[ Flame people laugh ]
-: Behave yourself,Bun Bun!
-: Okay! I'm‐a run this way now!I love you!
-: Um...She's new.
-: Is something wrongwith your coals?
-: No, they're fine.
-: It's just...
[ Inhales deeply ]
-: When we broke up,I said sorry,
-: but I didn't fully understandexactly what I did wrong.
-: I get it now.
-: I shouldn'thave manipulated you.
-: That was a really, relly messed‐up thing to do,
-: and I'm truly sorry.
-: You've grown up a lot,man.
-: I forgive you.
-: Awesome.
[ Clinks ]
[ Chuckles ]
-: Bun Bun.Bun...Bun Bun.
-: Ooh,what's in there?
-: That's where we keepthe evil former king.
-: Yeah, we're not supposedto go in.
-: Bun Bun!
-: Hi, fire man.You look sad.
-: I don't get sad.I'm evil!
-: I'm just boredof this intense loneliness.
-: You want some mush?
-: Um...
-: Who are you?
-: Bun Bun.Do you like dogs?
-: Sure, I like dogs.
-: Not those stupid tiny ones,though.
-: I like them medium‐sized.
-: Oh! I like dogs!We're friends!
-: But I just met you.}
-: First I'll need to knowexactly how evil you are.
-: I'm 100% evil.
-: What's evil?
-: Now, what you're doingis really good.
-: Trying to make friendswith the old king and all.
-: But there's onevery, very important thing
-: that youneed to promise me.
-: Yes.
-: You see that buttonover there?
-: Whatever you do ‐‐
-: Button!
[ Alarm rings ]
-: Well done, Bun Bun!
-: Now to the hillsto regroup my forces!
-: Ha ha!I'm free!
-: Oh, my Glob.
-: Free!Free is good, right?
-: No, this is bad!We have to catch him.
-: Catch!
-: ♪♪
-: Oh!The Ice King!
-: Shelby.
-: Princess Bubblegum!
[ Both laugh ]
-: Okay.Who am I?
-: Pbht!
[ Chuckles ]

I practiced that one.

-: So, what elseyou been up to?
-: I startedfreestyle rapping.
-: What?!
-: Everyone says I'm good,but I can't tell
-: if they're just flattering me'cause I'm king.
-: Right.
[ Beatboxing ]
-: Fire man!Fire man!

{{L|-|Shh!This is serious!}

-: Want to see me do a flip?
[ Inhales deeply ]
-: Wow.
-: Ohh‐aaaah!
[ Grunting ]
-: Bun Bun!
-: Whoa‐oh‐oh‐oh‐oh‐oh‐oh!
[ Both yell ]
-: Flame King: On to plottingour diabolical scheme.
-: Bun Bun,I hear the Flame King!
[ Giggles ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Sighs ]
-: So, wearing your fire costumes,you'll pose
-: as a basket of orphansleft on the castle doorstep.
-: They'll take you in.
-: And when they bring youto the king,
-: you bust out the water gunsand seize control!
-: Any questions?
-: Are these your kids?
-: They're my army.
-: Your plan's not gonna work.
[ Sighs ]
-: I know.I'm rusty at this war stuff.
-: You should dochipmunk stuff.
-: Is that what I am now?The chipmunk king?!
-: Uh...I don't know.
[ Sighs ]
-: Perhaps you're right.
-: I have no allies leftin the Fire Kingdom.
-: And even if I did manageto steal it back,
-: I'd probably have to redecoratethe whole castle.
-: Maybe I could stay hereand rule.
-: Figurehead‐style.
-: And I'll bethe royal dog petter!
-: Would you really stay herewith me
-: and my kingdomof adorable vermin?
-: Okay.
-: You're all right, Bun Bun.
-: All hailthe chipmunk king!
-: All:All hail the chipmunk king!
-: All hail the chipmunk king!
[ Thinking ]
-: Bun Bun,you're gonna do great here.
-: 'Cause you're brilliant.
-: Thanks for helping me out.
[ Beatboxing ]
-: ♪ Finn the human,he wears a bear hat ♪
-: ♪ Somedayhe'll be old and fat ♪
-: ♪ Unless he is immortalor a turtle ♪
-: ♪ 'Cause turtlesalways look old ♪
-: ‐Ohh!‐Ohh!
-: ♪ Turtles got toldby me, Phoebe ♪
-: ♪ Pure gold ♪
[ Cheers and applause,door opens ]
-: ♪ Guess who's back,it's Cinnamon Bun ♪
-: ♪ Bun Bun told mehow to have fun again ♪
-: ♪ Also, she let outthe old king ♪
-: Both: What?!
-: It's okay.He's a in a chipmunk cave.
-: It's nice.
-: See?
-: Aww.Did Bun Bun draw that?
-: No.
[ Sighs ]
-: We can't just let himrun around though, right?
-: How do we know he won't moidleall those chipmunks?
-: No, he always didlike animals.
-: I wonderif a new environment
-: might help bring outthat softer side of him.
-: Being stuck in a lampsure won't do it.
-: Let's leave him be.
-: Bun Bun: "Dear Cinnamon Bun,I have a dog now.
-: His name is Cinnamon Bun.
-: Love, Bun Bun."