Boy Bear is a character in Adventure Time who appears in the episode "When Wedding Bells Thaw." Finn and Jake take the Ice King to a club to make himself feel good about getting married. A girl bear then winks at him, and when Ice King winks and waves back at her, the Boy Bear viciously confronts him, shoving Ice King, beating his chest and foaming at the mouth. Ice King tried to back off but when two other bears showed up as backup, he got angry and froze all three, much to the disapproval of Finn and Jake, who slapped him twice.
His overall appearance is just like any other bear, but he has a skull on his stomach instead of the more conventional cute pictures that most of the partying bears have, like a flower or book. His fur is wild and unkempt, he has thick eyebrows, his eyes look angry, his teeth are more jagged than the other bears' and he has a bald and chewed-up right ear.