Adventure Time Short: Frog Seasons is a series of five shorts that began airing on April 2, 2016. They aired during new episodes' premieres, starting with "Spring". The shorts are storyboarded and written by alternately Adam Muto and Hanna K. Nyström.
List of shorts[]
Title card | Title | Viewers (in millions) |
Prod. code | Airdate |
Frog Seasons: Spring | TBA | 1034-229A | April 2, 2016 | |
Finn and Jake stalk a frog to see what happens when it puts on its crown. | ||||
Frog Seasons: Summer | TBA | 1034-229B | April 9, 2016 | |
Finn and Jake stalk a frog to see what happens when it puts on its crown. | ||||
Frog Seasons: Autumn | TBA | 1034-229C | April 16, 2016 | |
Finn and Jake stalk a frog to see what happens when it puts on its crown. | ||||
Frog Seasons: Winter | TBA | 1034-229D | April 23, 2016 | |
Finn and Jake stalk a frog to see what happens when it puts on its crown. | ||||
Frog Seasons: Spring (Again) | TBA | 1034-229E | September 2, 2016 | |
Finn and Jake follow a frog carrying a crown across the four seasons. |
- "Frog Seasons" is very similar to the Graybles Allsorts series, which consisted of four shorts.
- The final short was originally set to air on April 30, 2016, but the "Regular Time Adventure Show" block did not air that day and everything new set to air during it was postponed.[1]
- The Snail does not appear in any of these shorts.