The following information is from the Adventure Time comic book series. It may not be part of the same canon or continuity as the animated series. |
Adventure Time Comics Issue 9 is The Ninth of a 25 part series by Kaboom, each issue including several stories by a multitude of people.
In this issue's short stories, Choose Goose is the worst, Princess Bubblegum just wants to have a nice picnic, and Ooo is definitely a weird place.
Bad Radishes[]
Written and Illustrated by, Rii Abrego
The Lan Party[]
Written by, Zachary Clemente. Illustrated by, Cole Ott
The Forgetting Tree[]
Written by, Cat Seaton. Illustrated by, Kit Seaton
Just Peachy[]
Written and Illustrated by, Jenna Ayoub
Comic pages and panels[]